The Truth about the Great 2010 La Canada Mud Flood! Part 2: The Perfect Storm!

In Part 1: The Lay of the Land, Rusty explained the formation and geography of the greater Los Angeles basin.  Rusty’s lived in the northern part of that basin his whole life and has heard about and seen personally what can happen with the Perfect Storm of events.   Here is the whole process laid out for you. Continue reading →

The Truth about the Great 2010 La Canada Mud Flood! Part 1: The Lay of the Land

Part 1: The Lay of the Land

Not all adventures are good clean fun.  Some involve going through police barriers to check on your friends to see how they are affected by natural or man-made disasters.  Such is the case now, right in the area where Rusty lives.

In January and February of 2010 people around the country and around the world heard about the devastation caused by water, mud, and debris flows that tossed around cars and two ton concrete barriers like they were a child’s toys.  Few people outside of the area really understand how this happens in the relatively dry Southern California Los Angeles basin.  Rusty Waters has lived in this area his entire life, looking up at the source of the floods every day. Continue reading →