Entries Tagged 'Holidays' ↓

SEX versus ROMANCE: The Valentine’s Day Survey

We asked our readers which they would prefer for a Valentine’s Day story from the Adventures of Rusty Waters, SEX or ROMANCE.

The first choice was to find out what happened when three gorgeous women tried to pick up Rusty in a bar.  HINT: That was the story you’d get if you voted for SEX.

The second choice was to find out the story of Rusty’s long-lost love.  HINT: that was the story you’d get if you voted for ROMANCE. Continue reading →

A Most Unlikely Christmas Story

The year was 1935.   It was the middle of a worldwide depression.   Theeconomic hardships their parents were undergoing made it a tough year for many children that Christmas.   One little girl in particular had no hope of any kind of Christmas celebration at all.   Her mother had committed suicide a few years earlier.   Her father was “difficult”. Continue reading →