The adventures of Rusty Waters have found our hero, well protagonist, OKAY, ALREADY, He’s a BUM, everywhere from photographing gorillas in the jungles of Africa to Siberia and the Alaskan Gold Fields – even in Madonna’s room in Buenos Aires. And YES along the way there has been SEX and ROMANCE. This Valentine’s Day we’d like to give YOU an adventure, but which story would you like to read? Continue reading →
Entries Tagged 'Personalities' ↓
What Would You Like for Valentine’s Day?
February 8th, 2010 — Adventure, Mishaps, Personalities, Places, Romance, The Sexes, Treasures
A Most Unlikely Christmas Story
February 5th, 2010 — Christmas, Holidays, Personalities, Places, Russia, Travel
The year was 1935.  It was the middle of a worldwide depression.  Theeconomic hardships their parents were undergoing made it a tough year for many children that Christmas.  One little girl in particular had no hope of any kind of Christmas celebration at all.  Her mother had committed suicide a few years earlier.  Her father was “difficult”. Continue reading →